Saturday, September 5, 2009

A letter

Hmm... I had just been home for about an hour or two, and my mum suddenly remembered that I have stack of letters waiting for me. All of them were sent to my old house's address, and admittedly, most of them aren't very urgent, except for the letter from PTPTN, which apparently dated from one year ago.


Anyways, one of the letters from this surprisingly thick pile is this heavy letter from Ministry of Health. And I thought, I'm quite sure I have never been involved with anything related to MOH, and when I looked closer, the letter was actually from the MOH of Singapore, and not Malaysia!

So, curiously, I opened the letter. Again, this letter was dated a while back, sometime in June. It said "Congratulations! You will soon be turning 21 years old. This will, no doubt, be a major milestone in your life."


Apparently, it is a letter asking for my consent to donate my organs to the MOH should I die. Along with this cheerful letter explaining what is going on, there was also a booklet on organ transplant in it. Truthfully speaking, I haven't started reading the booklet yet, but from what I have read from the letter, it sounds quite well, effective. I'm quite sure that our Malaysia's MOH won't take this kind of initiatives.

Really, can you imagine receiving a letter like this from MOH, persuading you to donate your organs to save a life, or perhaps two, when you are dead, at the moment you turned 21 because you are now a legal adult? Nopes, not me, and definitely not with Malaysia's MOH.

I'm waaaaaaaay impressed with the way MOH Singapore works. I probably should go read the booklet, but chances are, donate saja lar. If not my organs also rot under the ground. Better to have them save another life, right?


Bernard said...

Funny. Why would the Singapore MOH send you that letter? Do all Johoreans get this as well?

Jojo aka Death Angel said...

No. I was born in Singapore. So the hospital had my details. Apparently the MOH there keeps track of this kind of things. I think my uncle in Singapore forwarded the letter to me here cos the initial add was a Sg one.