Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The past 14 days (today included) must have been the most tiring and emotionally-draining days of my life so far. But I supposed, I HOPE, that misfortunes come in three, so after this, I hope my life will go smoothly.

But really, despite having the misfortunes, I hate that I am making people worry about me because of those misfortunes. If I wasn't so upset that I make so many people worry about me, I would have milked the sympathy for all its worth. Hmm...

On the other hand, I feel like slapping my brother for being an insensitive jerk. After all, it was partially his fault that I was caught in the third misfortune. My brother is really no good for anything other than killing cockroaches and carrying heavy groceries. -.-'''

Friday, July 16, 2010


Aish... Shoulda went and watch Despicable Me, or Inception instead of Predators. The movie was just kinda disappointing.

Well, at least the company's good. I even got a chocolate cake, which I didn't manage to share with the people who gave it to me, because my mum wanted me to go back home immediately after the movie. Luckily for me, no high-tech alien waiting to ambush me when I got back home. Surely there are scarier things out there than aliens who evolved super duper fast. Hmm...

Anyways, I was thanking all the bday wishes on Facebook when I suddenly thought of something. It's kinda... sad? That we rely so much on Facebook. Gone were the days that we wish other people Happy Birthday face-to-face or through phonecalls. Now, we Facebook our happy birthday wishes!

Really, I shouldn't complain. Without Facebook, most people's bday won't even register to me cause I can't remember them.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

It's hard finding good anime to watch! Gaaaaaaah!! Sometimes the drawing is not pretty enough. And when it does, the storyline is lame. And when the storyline isn't lame, you have annoying female characters with impossibly large boobs that are bouncing everywhere everytime they move! Seriously, people who draw female characters like that MUST be males, because females will know AND are clever enough to understand the logic of not having boobs that are so big that they will break your spine. Seriously, females with those kind of figures don't exist in real life, not unless they are surgically enhanced. -.-'''

FMA... I mourn your ending. T-T

Monday, July 5, 2010

The end of a much loved anime

Equivalent exchange! I'll give you half of my life if you will give me half of yours.

As far as marriage proposal goes, this is by far the most unromantic, and the cutest.

Ah well, as expected from the mangaka who, when asked to draw herself, drew herself as a dancing cow in underwear.

FMA Brotherhood has officially ended, and as awesome as it is, watching the whole series and ending it, I am going to miss the characters. They are such endearing characters, even if they are just anime characters, and more often than not, they have cheered my day.

But I have no complaints. It was a good anime, despite cursing and swearing every week for the cliff hanger that the mangaka left at every episode, it will always be one of my all-time favourite.