Saturday, June 12, 2010

My gullible sister

This is totally pointless, but since I'm bored, and one day I'm gonna look back and remember my sis used to be this gullible.

Bro: Eh... my friend said the spelling competition will be on air ler. Die.

Sis: What spelling competition? What on a-

Me: (interrupts sis before she can finish so that Bro will have no time to answer) On air means the competition will be held on an aeroplane.

Sis: Wah, TKY, you take part in competition ar?

Bro: (smugs) Ya lar, peringkat daerah some more. (stops for a while) But then, I'm probably gonna blank out when I'm on air.

Me: (smirks) You better not do as horribly as the people in the Spelling Bee competition which I happened to watch in Kuantan. I'll disown you, seriously.

Sis: (ignores Me) Why blank out? Being on plane trying to spell things very scary mer?

(Bro and I stare at my sis for a moment, speechless)

Me: .... Being on air means it will be broadcasted.

Sis: (stuns) Not on aeroplane?

So, yes, my sis can be quite gullible at times.

And not to forget, my sis INSISTED that I tell the world that she's back from NS. Hence my house has been noisier than it used to be two weeks ago.

But of course, that means an extra sibling to bully and laugh at and tease and annoy. So I really can't complain. :D

1 comment:

Sal said...

You are horrible!!