Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The past 14 days (today included) must have been the most tiring and emotionally-draining days of my life so far. But I supposed, I HOPE, that misfortunes come in three, so after this, I hope my life will go smoothly.

But really, despite having the misfortunes, I hate that I am making people worry about me because of those misfortunes. If I wasn't so upset that I make so many people worry about me, I would have milked the sympathy for all its worth. Hmm...

On the other hand, I feel like slapping my brother for being an insensitive jerk. After all, it was partially his fault that I was caught in the third misfortune. My brother is really no good for anything other than killing cockroaches and carrying heavy groceries. -.-'''


sue aka yume said...

Oh, what happened ? (if you don't mind telling that is)

Jojo aka Death Angel said...

Hey, Sue Peng, sorry ya. It's all in the past, n I just don't want to recap. One of the misfortunes has been told so many times that I'm tired of repeating it again and again. Makes me feel like a broken record. :)

sue aka yume said...

It's alright. Don't worry bout it =)
And I hope things will be looking up for you.