Monday, June 11, 2007

The drama in Pengajian Malaysia

Today was a fun day in Pengajian Malaysia. Miss Azlili asked us to do a drama based on the first chapter of Pengajian Malaysia. The first chapter is just a boring old story, the history about how Tanah Melayu was being "jajah" and sorts by the Portugese, British and Japanese. Miss Azlili divided us into two groups. One was the penjajah group, while the other is the orang tempatan group. My group was the penjajah group, or as she called, "the orang jahat". And in this group, we are divided again into four groups, which are Portugis, Belanda, British, and Japan.

See, the thing is, I wasn't exactly thrilled about this drama. Lecture might be boring, but drama is something that I don't really do in the spur of the moment. In fact, I don't think I can do well at all. But I digress, so back to the topic. We were crapping all the time when we were supposed to be discussing. My group was supposed to be Belanda, and we sorta attacked the Portugis. It was hilarious. In fact, the whole drama was hilarious. What with us spending more time laughing than actually acting, and also those that stumbled over their words, which brought a different meaning than the supposedly intended. Overall, it can be considered as a fun class.

After the class, Lynda and I went to pasar malam with few of our classmates. Turns out that they are quite okay to hang out with. So maybe my classmates aren't as bad as I thought. I look forward to see more fun in class.

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