"I've never liked Maths."
"Is that what you hear? Class, do you agree?"
A few students dutifully shook their heads.
"How many of you hear 'I never liked Maths'?" And everyone shot his or her hand up into the air.
With a look, Miss Yoges looked at me. "So what does that mean?"
"That I have hearing problem?"
Okay.... so I screwed up again in Phonetics class. Again. No biggie. After all, look at it this way, at least I will remember my mistakes. Though maybe it's more like I really have hearing problem that pronounciation problem in the above situation.
But you know what? I have finally decided to stop feeling sorry for myself that I don't really catch Phonetics. So what I screwed up all the time? So what I made a fool of myself all the time? Hey, I'm taking this course to learn something new, not learn something that I already know of. That will just be a waste of time even if I will be able to breeze through classes with no humiliation whatsoever.
Fine, exaggeration. There's nothing wrong in making mistakes. But I have learnt my lesson. Wallowing in self pity isn't going to make me an expert in Phonetics overnight. What I need is a lot of practice and revising. And so are the other subjects if I want to achieve good result.
So... well, I guess I just want to say thanks and sorry to my dear friends who I have unloading all of my self pity on them. Joy, you should have slapped me when I was being all depressed and self pitying, but I know you love me too much to do that. Haha. Well, sorry for making you worry. I'm quite optimistic now. Just remind me once in a while about my new resolution about being hardworking.
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