Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The dream

Recently I have been feeling restless, not in the "I'm bored and I need fun things to amuse me" kind of restless. For me, this kind of restless-ness is bad. It feels like my past demons have come back to haunt me, though I can't really pinpoint what it is that bug me. Not that I really did have demons in the past, just a metaphor.

This morning I woke up with quite a disturbing dream, which was broken thanks to the annoying invention called alarm clock. This might sound weird, but I'm actually quite curious to what will happen if I did not wake up. Probably I would have forgotten about my dreams. But anyways...

This dream of mine started with a virus spreading out. The virus eats human's eyes, or more specifically, the iris. And no, I am not the heroine in this dream. In fact, my own eye got eaten. One of my eye, can't remember left or right, but I remember looking in the mirror to find that one of my iris was eaten, and all that is left in that eye is the white ball in the socket. Empty hole for the place where my iris used to be. It is kinda gross to look at, actually.

So I told people about it, and most of them are grossed out by it. Which amused me. I guess in a way I am a sadist that takes pleasure in morbid stuff. Just no overflowing blood, and I will be fine.

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