Thursday, October 2, 2008

The baby who dislikes milk

My baby niece is back in town!

Well, I went to see her yesterday, and also to have dinner at my cousin's house. She's getting cuter and cuter everytime I see her, not to mention her crying is getting louder and louder each time she opens her mouth to wail her lungs out.

But still, she's cute. And the fact that she doesn't like to drink milk but loves to eat anything else, like bread, porridge, junkfood and ice-cream, just add some of the lil extra cute factors to her. And she's only seven months old, so she is not supposed to be eating all those junkfood that her father feeds her sometimes.

Personally, I am amused everytime she starts wailing her lungs out. No tears come, but the sound of her crying... fuyoh! And like my dad favourite phrase "Masalah, this baby!" Except that he pronounces it as "mah-sa-ah-lah". Strange thing is, my niece actually adores my dad. She refuses to leave her mother's arms most of the time, you know how some babies will gladly let you carry them the moment you hold your arms out for them, but my niece isn't one of those babies.

It can be tiring sometimes to try to coax her outta my cousin's arms.

But anyways, she's very light, well, compared to my baby cousins Jay and Phil -.-''' So when you hold her in your arms it kinda feels as though there isn't really anything there. And she's long. I mean, she has long limbs. Compared to Jay, who looks kinda rounded and short, she is so long and lanky. It will be a major surprise if she doesn't grow up to be a tall girl.

Anyways, my only complaint is the difficulty of trying to get her to willingly come to you. But other than that, she's a bundle of kawaii-ness, and seeing her, even if she's crying her head off her tiny little shoulders, provide me enough entertainment for the day.

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