Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Xmas
I wish.
Anyways, I was full of Xmas spirit since the first of Dec. Seriously, my phone looks all Xmas-y (because of the theme), and it sounds Xmas-y too (because of the ringtones)! And then, just four days before Xmas, my beloved roommate had to drop the bomb on me that I don't have much time left till my FYP deadline is here, not to mention that my FYP is faaaaaaaaaaaaaar from completion.
In fact, it's so far from completion that I am scared that I might not finish it, or if I do, it might come out crappy.
But anyhow, I seriously need to start working my ass off for my FYP. Though it's the holiday season, and everyone's back in town, and I have the urge to just run out and lepak with my friends all day.
Self control!
Okay, I'm rambling. Think I had too much sugar for breakfast just now.
Merry Xmas, everyone, and happy new year! I hope 2009 has been fun, interesting, and memorable for you!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Back again
I know, it seems like I'm forever in BP nowadays. It's just that, since my job starts in mid Nov, I see no point in staying in PJ for the whole week with no air-con (because my Tiara room is like an oven in the afternoon), no homecooked meal (it gets boring after a while, even if I do love tom yam very much, I couldn't possibly eat it everyday), no washing machine, and of course, no siblings and dogs (to annoy for my own amusement).
I'm happy to be home, but at the same time, I'm a bit, well, too comfortable being at home. It seems that after a whole month of lepak-ing at home, doing nothing much but idle, with occasional worry of FYP, I am feeling settled and comfy, in fact, so comfy that I am not sure how I am gonna handle work when I am supposed to start working.
I supposed it's bad that I became so lazy. Even if I feel a bit heartbroken (sob sob!) that my mum wouldn't let me lepak at home and be lazy, I supposed I can't go on with being lazy forever. Working will make a good experience, not to mention make me step out of my comfort zone.
Besides, with my bro and sis having exam right now, I don't think they will take my annoying them to amuse myself lightly. Already (even if it was just four days ago when I saw him) my bro looks unstable due to the stress of his exam.
Ah well, in the meantime, let me lepak for another week first. FYP and my beloved dogs shall be my companions since my sis and bro are not supposed to be kacau-ed.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Random conversation
"It's not out in the cinema yet, is it?"
"November ler."
"It's supposed to be a doomsday prediction."
"Ya lor. On my birthday some more. Then we can celebrate my birthday, and while I am blowing the candles on my cake, the meteorite is going to crash and kill us all."
"LOL! Really ar?"
"Dunno. According to the prediction."
"Eh, like that I don't want to do my FYP already lar. What's the point? Later I susah payah finish my FYP, so ke lian, slave over it for one year, then graduate ady the meteorite is going to crash and kill us all. Waste my energy saja."
"Cheh. Then like that no need to work also lar, stay at home and be a couch potato saja."
"Ya lor, no need to study so hard for SPM ady. Woolala!"
"You happy lar!"
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Anyways, I know I haven't blog for ages, but certainly not as long as a certain *ahem* person who goes by the name Boo Boo, who conveniently went MIA since her internship was over.
But I digress.
So, what have I been doing for the whole month? Nothing much, except to wait for my stupid result, which was heartbreaking, but nobody to blame but myself.
Other than that, I went to a few colleges and universities to give out surveys, and well, it was interesting to meet different students from different unis. Some were friendly, some were polite, some were rude, some were snobbish. However, everytime I got to a different uni/college, I couldn't help but think that why I am not in a uni with big campus and awesome library.
I also went to Singapore with six other friends. We went to NUS to use the library, and again, the library looked awesome. It inspired me to want to study a lot, and at the same time sleep a lot too, seeing as it was so comfortable. And when I was there, I met up with a friend that I haven't seen since two years ago, I think. Despite not seeing her for so long, she is still the same adorable girl that I know.
After staying in the posh lodging in NUS for two days, we moved to a backpacker lodging, where the seven of us buat bising and self-labelled ourselves as the Crazy Asian Girls. Long story, too lazy to write it all down.
Went sightseeing in Singapore before we left to come back to BP on Saturday. And since then, I have not start on my FYP.
But I swear, really, tomorrow! In the meantime, let me procrastinate for the night. I would have bugged my siblings, except that they are both in a bad mood due to their exams, so in the end I'm here, rambling.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Guy flick
The storyline is as cliche as you can imagine, of course. All the fluffiness, the happy endings. Aww... sweetness. But it usually started out with man and woman, they can't stand each other, and outta nowhere, love sneaks up to them and voila! They fall in love.
Anyways, this is not the reason why I am blogging now (other than to avoid studying, which I am supposed to be doing, btw). Zaza and I just finished, well, we skipped through the last hour, because I cannot tahan the stupidness of the story anymore, but anyways, we just watched "The last house on the left". And I believe since we have chick flick for movies that obviously chicks watch, surely we have guy flick that guys watch too.
In my humble opinion, surely "The last house on the left" fit neatly into this genre.
First of all, the main character, okay, characters, two of them are this blonde female, and quite attractive too. Then, the female characters will dress quite skimpily. Not to mention a lot of flashing here and there, one moment it's the thighs, the next the stomach, then the boobs and the butt.
Of course, a movie can't just be all about barely dressed females, as nice as it is to watch them prance around half naked on the screen. The next criteria is surely the storyline. It's way simple, and more often than not, it doesn't make any sense. The pretty female character will stupidly walk into a situation that will put herself in danger, and sometimes might do something that look quite brave and intelligent, only to end up useless, her effort, I mean. And usually, in between these scenes, as the story progresses, weird incidents, like the father asking the son to rape one of the girls that they held as hostages, will happen.
Anyways, ignore the female characters and the storyline for a while, the other characteristic of a guy flick will be blood and killing. The killing of the victim will be acted out in as much details as possible, and blood will be everywhere! And the more gory the killings are, the better. Preferably if the killings are not just random stabbing and shooting. Perhaps you should try sticking someone's head in a malfunctioning microwave oven and see if it will explode.
But pardon me, for I really can't be a good critic on this topic, seeing as I didn't finish watching the movie. I skipped through movie, and still managed to get the story, because after the weird raping scene (which we skipped) in the middle of the story, that did not make much sense to Zaza and I, I just got bored and decided not to waste my next hour watching the remaining movie.
Admittedly, I didn't go through the whole movie, but really, I don't see the point of watching. I was really disappointed though, I wanted to watch that movie when it was in the cinemas, and luckily, I didn't have the time to go, or else my money would have been wasted. The summary sounded interesting, and the poster looked promising. But alas, looks can be deceiving!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
A letter
Anyways, one of the letters from this surprisingly thick pile is this heavy letter from Ministry of Health. And I thought, I'm quite sure I have never been involved with anything related to MOH, and when I looked closer, the letter was actually from the MOH of Singapore, and not Malaysia!
So, curiously, I opened the letter. Again, this letter was dated a while back, sometime in June. It said "Congratulations! You will soon be turning 21 years old. This will, no doubt, be a major milestone in your life."
Apparently, it is a letter asking for my consent to donate my organs to the MOH should I die. Along with this cheerful letter explaining what is going on, there was also a booklet on organ transplant in it. Truthfully speaking, I haven't started reading the booklet yet, but from what I have read from the letter, it sounds quite well, effective. I'm quite sure that our Malaysia's MOH won't take this kind of initiatives.
Really, can you imagine receiving a letter like this from MOH, persuading you to donate your organs to save a life, or perhaps two, when you are dead, at the moment you turned 21 because you are now a legal adult? Nopes, not me, and definitely not with Malaysia's MOH.
I'm waaaaaaaay impressed with the way MOH Singapore works. I probably should go read the booklet, but chances are, donate saja lar. If not my organs also rot under the ground. Better to have them save another life, right?
Saturday, August 29, 2009
You know you are
1. Obsessed when you
a) Youtube said obsession
b) Google said obsession
c) Collect said obsession's pictures and realised what hair and clothes and expression work for said obsession (of course, please remember that I'm an amateur, so my opinions might not carry much weight)
d) Spent the last hour and so reading about said obsession's blogs even though they aren't very interesting
2. Vain when you
a) Start thinking about what hairstyle you want to cut the next time you visit the hair salon even though your hair isn't long enough to be even thinking about cutting
b) Mentally think about the clothing that you have in your wardrobe and categorising them into different style depending on what kind of image you want to portray
c) Start mentally thinking up potentials outfits with the clothes you currently have for places that you don't even go to
d) Think of all the accessories you have in your collection or the colours that you could have painted on your nails if you are not lazy
3. Homesick when you
a) Think about your dogs and thought about what to tell them when you see them
b) Brainstorm on the ways to annoy your sister and brother while you are at it
c) Consider about the things that you want to eat once you get back
d) Desperately miss your baby, your bed, your blanket, your room, and everything that's just not here with you right now
4. Bored when you
a) Youtube a lot
b) Google a lot
c) Facebook a lot
d) Sing till your throat starts to feel funny
e) Spend your precious 20 minutes writing stuff like you know you are obsessed/vain/homesick/bored when you
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The Doctor
So, what gives?
Well, initially I wasn't really that worried about the cold, since, like I said, my body takes forever to build up immunity towards cold, so I am used to having long term cold anyways. Besides, I know the reason for my cold, and it's not H1n1, so I wasn't that wary. Besides, I have always believed that if my time is up, no matter what I do, I probably can't escape it anyways.
So, anyways, I was happily ignoring the cold, well, not that happily, since I did constantly check that I don't suddenly burn up with fever, but anyways, I developed a cough outta nowhere last night. Really! Just outta nowhere, I just started coughing, and my cold seemed to have gotten worse too.
Though there wasn't fever, I was starting to get a bit worried, not to mention annoyed. Cold, one, I can handle. Cold and cough, two, NO, I don't want to handle. So, I finally got my lazy ass to the clinic and have a checkup.
Like I expected, it wasn't H1N1, duh, but then again, the doctor was kinda funny. The clinic was empty save for me and another patient, and when I went inside the room, the doc had his mask under his chin instead of properly covering his nose and mouth.
So this is me. "Hi Doc, I have been having cold for the past month."
And he immediately pulled his mask up over his nose and mouth.
And then he asked, "Have you been outstation for the last month?"
Me: "No, my body just takes forever to build up immunity towards cold. Then yesterday, suddenly, I had cough. So I thought I should see a doc, not to mention that most of my housemates are also having cough and flu."
And he visibly relaxed. And then he smiled. "Yeah, some people take more time to build immunity towards cold." And he proceeded to do the usual checkup routine. Fever. Nopes. Flu. Yeaps. Cough. Yeaps.
And he charged me 55 bucks for medicine that I could have easily gotten at pharmacy. Dang.
There goes my money. If it wasn't the cough, I would have happily continued ignoring my cold and saved myself the 55 bucks. Ah... the things I could buy or eat with that medicine money.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Comfort food
Even if no justification is needed, but I feel the need to do it. Chipsmore = chocolate. Chocolate plus warm milk. How can anyone say that's not comfort food?
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
But the thing is, even if it's none of my business, somehow I still care. I don't know, maybe I'm just selfish because the "problems" that the person has seem to be constantly in my face, and I just didn't want to be bothered by other people's problem. Sometimes, I can't even seem to handle my own problems and emotions, and now I seem to be juggling someone else's.
Really, it just makes me feel angry and tired all the time. Maybe it really isn't my problem, so I should just not care at all. After all, it's not like it's MY business.
For my friends who had made me feel better, thank you. You know who you are. I really appreciate the kind words and concern.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The thing that apparently evolution didn't manage to get rid
Anyhow... I SURVIVED! Thank God for that.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Some people
Today, I went to Mid Valley to watch Harry Potter with Boo. After movie, I suddenly realised that I was actually starving, and well, since we haven't seen each other for ages, I managed to convince Boo to stay another hour to makan and chat with me.
So, we headed over to Gardens, and straight towards Sushi Zanmai. Not surprisingly, since it was lunchtime, not to mention it's Sunday, there was a line waiting outside. Boo and I joined the line, and after a while, this huge uncle came and stood behind us.
And how did I know he is huge? Hard to not notice that since he was so disrespectfully invading my personal space. Eh... hello, put some space between us lar. I don't know you and I don't care to get to know you. And you are standing so close to me that there isn't even enough space to fit a 6-inch ruler in between.
Seriously lar, he was standing so close that when I turned slightly to talk to Boo, my bag actually jabbed into his overlarge belly, and yet he still refused to move! And when I moved forward a little bit, trying to get away from him, he moved forward.
Adui.... two steps away from the person in front of you is not going to lose you the seating in the restaurant. And besides... don't you feel like a pervert? Standing so close to a young girl who looks like she could be the age of your daughter?
Some people seriously need to learn how to respect other people's personal space.
Now I regretted not staging a loud whisper on how fat he is and how he is being a pervert by standing so close to me.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
The 21st
Well... according to Joy's mother. And I will just take her word for it since adults are supposed to be wiser when it comes to stuff like this.
But then again, I supposed I'm an adult now too.
Ah... the responsibilities.
Anyways, because Zaza they all said 21st should be celebrated, well, on the eve of my bday I had pizza with my housemates and Sal. It wasn't much, but at least the pizzas filled the tummy pretty well.
Then, as usual, my housemates caught me by surprise when they ambushed me with chocolate cake. I thought they wouldn't have the stomach to eat anymore, since the pizzas pretty much made us so bloated that we thought nothing can go in anymore, but I guess there is always another tummy for dessert.
The cake, well, some of us thought it wasn't delicious at all, but I was okay with it. It brought back memories from childhood, when the cakes that I ate when I was a kid was a bit salty rather than super duper sweet.
And I was so touched, when Zaza, Meme, Mishel, Yeunouh, and Lynda bought me my favorite book for my present. Well... the story was, I was looking for The Green Mile with the exact cover as the book in library, cause I want it to have some sentimental value seeing as I fell in love with that book in that cover, but this different cover works as well. Oh... and they decided to chuck in an additional mascara because apparently Zaza saw me eyeing those mascaras (because the packaging looks so pretty!), and they decided to buy me one too.
So... on the day itself, my bday, well, I got a lot of bday wishes from friends. I was really touched that a friend who I hadn't talked to for two years already texted me and wished me Happy Birthday, because I thought he wouldn't remember, or wouldn't care.
After class, I went to 1U with Sal because we missed BBQ plaza too much. It was a bit... disappointing, as we felt as though we didn't get to eat puas-puas, but oh well. Had fun trying on different dresses in Forever 21, and Sal bought me the bangles that I have been eyeing!! Happiness... which was short lived because due to my carelessness, the bangles dropped on the floor and the paint got scrapped a bit. And I haven't even gotten the chance to wear it! Damn.
A bit of a bummer, when Sal and I got back from 1U, this scary Indian driver cheated us. The super meter ran so fast that by the time I got back to Tiara, it was 13 bucks, when usually, even with traffic jam, the amount wouldn't go over 10 bucks.
So... yesterday, my mum threw me a 21st bday party. Even though it was considered not so good to have a celebration after the actual bday date, my mum decided that it was okay because my chinese calendar bday hadn't passed yet.
The party wasn't too grand, but it wasn't very shabby either. Well, the guests were mostly my parents' friends, and my friends were all too busy to be there. Too bad, though Andrea, Joy and Kang were there. Honestly, I was so surprised and touched that Kang came. She told me she wouldn't.
Anyways... other than the eating, chatting, and blowing candles, which, instead of 21 candles like my mum wanted me to blow, I only got to blow three cause the wind took care of the other 18 for me, there were, of course, presents!
My cousin was so excited about me opening her gift, that she actually bugged me to open her gift. It was kinda funny, actually, because it was this black and white scarf that was, well, more of my sis's style, and my cousin, being the blur case that she is, she thought I was the one who wears this kind of style. But oh well, at least she stuck with the basic colours and not some lala kind of colours.
Got some jewelries and soft toys, and also ang paus. The most mengezadaokan present is from Joy and Kang, which, honestly, I supposed it suits Kang better since the function seems to be more practical to her rather than me. Hear that, Miss Kang?
I supposed everyone only turns 21 once in their life, and I'm just grateful that I have people who care and love me so much that they remember and are willing to pamper me just because it was my birthday.
Thanks, guys! Thanks for the memorable 21st.
Monday, July 6, 2009
The weekend
Anyways, went to Central Market with Zaza last week Thursday. It was fun, though tiring. I swear I'm getting too old, everything seems to tire me, not counting getting ready for bed. Back to the topic, we saw some interesting sights, talked to interesting people. Overall, it was an interesting place, though I have never been there before even though I certainly had passed by that place countless times.
Saturday was my cousin's wedding, which I skipped class to attend. Well, it probably wasn't a very noble sacrifice, seeing as I don't really mind having an excuse to skip class, not to mention that I got to cover his wedding for my assignment.
Which turned out to be quite funny, because when I was busy asking a lot of questions on the details of the wedding, my uncle (the father of the getting married cousin) thought I was getting impatient about getting married, thus so infinitely curious. He just smiled, and said, "Don't worry, when it's your time, just give me a big ang pau and I will settle everything for you." Seriously, I wouldn't mind giving him an ang pau if he could help me do my assignment.
Anyways, stupid me, I missed the part where the bridegroom traditionally needed to go to the bride's house to er.... get the bride. Before getting the bride, my cousin had to go through her "ji muis", who all proceeded to torture them, sorta. I missed that part! Though I did saw the footage of the process, so I supposed all is not lost yet for my assignment. Besides, my cousin agreed to let me interview him, with my cousin-in-law. Hehe.
Oh.... Did I mention how adorable and cute and adorable and cute my nieces and nephews are? No? They are like the cutest things ever, seriously. ^^
And I got a pretty necklace with a gorgeous pendant from my mum as an early birthday present, which, sadly, I didn't really see what the pendant really is until she told me. But admittedly, once I know what the pendant is, it really is gorgeous.
Met up with Joy and Kang on Sunday morning for breakfast too, though in the end I only ended up having two barley ice. Sorry, guys, I was too tired and sleepy to make decent conversations.
So, that's all for the recent happenings. Coming soon, assignments and presentations and quizzes. T.T
Friday, June 19, 2009
This sem, well, I fear that the subjects aren't very interesting to me. Not to mention a very grandpa-ish lecturer teaching a very unlikely subject. I doubt he will be one hell of a grandpa-ish lecturer enough to persuade and negotiate with me. Hmm....
Other than that, my body's seriously whacked from all the 8 o'clock classes. I am very very VERY happy that I have day off on Thurs and Fri, which means I can sleep till lunchtime, unfortunately, this only make my biological clock utterly confused because I have to wake up early on Mon, Tues, Wed, and Sat, while the rest of the week I'm FREEEEEEEEEEE to go to bed as late as possible, and even better, wake up as late as possible.
Assignments and presentations are piling up. Most of them are individual. The coming persuasive speech is being pushed to the very back of my mind in order to not have unnecessary freak-outs. I think my roommate is stressed out enough without me scaring her half to death with my random burst of insanity. Not to mention that there is some grouping problem going on with the few group assignments that we have this sem. Hopefully everything is sorted out peacefully, though admittedly, I don't really care about about a certain person who's manipulating my friends in order to benefit herself. She could be doomed for all I care, yes, I know, I sound like an evil bitch.
Anyhow, we are supposed to meet our FYP advisors next week. Pardon me while I go hide in the corner and freak out. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Last but not least, well, I never expect myself to be so vain, but seriously, the bug bites on my skin look SO disgusting. I don't want to look at them, yet I can't help but keep checking on them to see if there is any improvement. Which, I suspect, isn't that much seeing as my fingers can't seem to keep themselves away from the bites. The bites probably would have healed faster if I have a better self control, but then again, I rather take pain than itch any other day. Seriously.
I hope that the bites all heal up nicely, or if not, I will be forever disgusted when I look at my own skin.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Bug food
And then it started appearing all over my skin. My waist, my arms, my legs. Crazy... those stupid red... swellings that made me want to scratch my skin till it bleeds. Finally, I went to see the doc, and one glance at those swellings, he went, "Do you have dogs at home?"
Well, it seems that he thinks it's fleas bite. I have no idea why the hell will fleas bite me and not any other person. Probably the same reason why mosquitoes seem to be very fond of me instead of some other people too. Anyhow, I have many red ugly spots all over my body that make me want to gag everytime I see them. Not to mention the itchiness.
Somehow, it really disturbs me to know that I'm the new food supply in town. Bug food, yeah, that sounds reaaaaal reassuring. Any friendlier, I will want to put a restraining order on those bugs.
I really cannot decide whether bug bites are worse, or some allergy, or some weird skin disease.
Gosh... I hope I'm not some insect breeding place like a horrible scary insect movie.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
This is what happened when one decides to be unwise
Sorry, I feel the need to point that out, even if it's painfully obvious that I need to be awake to type this post out, no?
Anyways, if I wasn't so... well, such a glutton, I probably wouldn't be awake to type out this post. This is going to sound insane, but I had two bubble teas, and half the cup of my sis's coffee, just now, after dinner.
Maybe you think, what's the big deal? So what you drank like a lot of tea and some coffee? The thing is, I'm very caffeine sensitive, so any tiny amount of caffeine in my bloodstream will cause me sleepless night. Hence... this post.
Supposedly my sis was studying. Well, when I voiced out that I suddenly feel like having bubble tea, she bribed me into driving her to the shop to get some. Did I mention that I can be easily bribed, sometimes? Apparently, according to her, the coffee that she got there made her unable to sleep that one time, so she wanted to get the coffee so that she could stay up and study. No surprise that she is currently very well asleep, as opposed to be studying.
Well, I'm just babbling, but then hunger and the inability to fall asleep do that to you. Did I mention that my tummy is currently growling my ears deaf? I should probably go hunt for some food, except that, like I had mentioned just now, it is too quiet and any sound will wake my mum up, so I guess I probably have to wait out my hunger and hopefully I will be able to sleep soon.
But until then, I need to find some entertainment.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Act I, Scene I
Me (M)
My sis (S)
My bro (B)
My sis's friend (SF)
The story:
SF: (through MSN) Eh, u kena NS ar?
S : Know already mer?!?!?!
SF: Yeah.
S: WHAT?!?! U kena ar?! Who else kena?! How to check?!?!
SF: SMS... I didn't kena.
(S and SF proceeded through a sorta lengthy discussion about who kena NS, and how to check. In walked M and B)
M: No point checking through the website. Sure cannot de... the website will be overloaded then cannot even load the page.
B: So fast keluar ady mer, the result?
S: I'm gonna cry if I kena.
M: Eh... they said if you go there sure you will have fun then takmau balik ady.
S: I'll cry!
B: Waahaha!
(S went off to get her phone from her room. Sat down in front of the computer again and typed out the message to check her fate. Suddenly, she handed the phone to M.)
M: What?
S: I don't want to send. (Put her hand over her eyes and lowered down her head as though she was grieving)
M: Send ar?
S: (Head still down) Send lar. (Turned back to her MSN and her friend) Eh... how long the reply will come?
SF: One minute.
(One minute later...)
S: Takda!
SF: Wait lar!
(B ran off. Came back a few seconds later. Suddenly, S's phone rang!)
S: (Panicky) NO! It's here! (Made a pitiful sound before looking at her phone. Again, put her hand to her eyes and lowered her head.)
M: What? (Grabbed S's phone, looked, and laughed)
B: Gotcha!
S: (Made sounds inbetween laughing and crying) You idiot!
(B ran off, grinning. S proceeded to complain about B to SF. Then, S's phone rang again. M picked up the phone.)
M: Eh... it's here.
S: (Stared at M with wide eyes) Read it.
B: (Came outta nowhere and tried to grab the phone from M's hand) Kena?
M: (Smacked his hand away) It's not your phone. (Looked at S) Tak mau tengok?
S: You tengok.
(M read the msg while S prepared for the worst.)
M: Sorry, service currently unavailable.
S: What?! (Grabbed the phone and read the message) Damn.
(And S proceeded to complain to SF about how fate loves playing with her.)
Friday, May 15, 2009
So... my nightmare didn't involve any monsters or scary things. Oh wait, it does. It involved one last final paper, and a frustrated lecturer.
Apparently, in my dream, we all took our HOTEL paper in one of the big halls, you know, either PC203 or PC201. And, because the paper was so damn difficult, most of the students just gave up and left the paper blank before storming out of the exam hall.
And me, well, I actually snuck the paper our of the exam hall, plotting to sneak the answers back after I had gotten all the answers. Desperate time calls for desperate measure, okay?
So anyhow, Dr. T was so frustrated with us just leaving the paper blank and storming out the exam hall, after all, she was there to witness it, that she wanted to fail us all and sent us to Kampar! But the admin was discussing, cause it won't look good on statistics if more than half the class failed the subject. And so... a lengthy meeting was called to discuss the outcome.
Alas... I got woke up before the nightmare ended. But, it scared me so much that I couldn't go back to sleep, so I ended up being awake since 6.30, though I didn't leave my bed till 9.30.
Argh!!!! I seriously hope when the result is out, it doesn't spell disaster. :(
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Sakit hati
Ignore my "ping yin", say it in Hokkien.
Today's paper was well... quite a disaster. I can't believe I spent so much mental energy, not to mention time and effort, studying this subject and then when I saw the paper, I realised half of the stuff that was asked were those things that I had deemed not so important. And have conveniently not pay so much attention to them.
Kek sim ar....
Well, at least I had a fun afternoon with Alex, Sal, Denise and Esther at 1U after the exam... even if the time spent together was short.
Now.... FYP for sem break. I still don't know which book to choose!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Spread the word

I can't believe this sort of cruelty happens in Malaysia. Wow... I'm speechless. To think people will actually do that to animals.
Please go to this website and read the story!
See if the story doesn't make you upset.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I didn't want to leave the house so early, because the waiting always made me anxious, and anxiety has a way of messing up the facts in my head. So this sem I decided that maybe I should just walk to uni since all the papers are in the morning session, and the sun is supposedly not harmful in the morning. To spare myself the waiting and the building anxiety.
So anyways, I totally forgot that we are supposed to be there early, and clever me, I left the house at exactly 8.30. Now, it takes around 20 minutes to walk there, if I am walking slowly. And today, of all days, I decided that there is no need to rush. So I was walking slowly.... mana tau whenever I wanted to cross the roads, the roads were swamped with rushing cars. In the end, I ended up waiting for quite some time, thus it ended with me reaching uni and into the exam hall like.... 10 seconds before the invigilator announced that we can now start writing.
During the paper, which was a two and a half hour paper, halfway through it, I was just thinking random stuff. From how I wish I am an ambidextor, to how Atsushi was being so bodily-kinestetically retarded (which almost made me LOL in the exam hall, but I managed to suppress it, so I was just grinning to myself instead while doing the paper), and what I was going to eat after the paper was handed up.
In the end, I guess everything's pretty good. I hope I don't make too many mistakes, in fact, I hope my answers are mostly correct rather than wrong. Did I mention how much I dislike short answer questions, btw, especially when they are supposed to be short answer questions but with like.... 6 marks per question?
Anyways, I am supposed to be studying for the next paper. But I got high from denial (cause I am not ready to admit my grades are going right into the sewer yet), swimming, and of course, from Exile and Alice Nine.
They are that nice to watch.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
The weather
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
At home
a. Have six meals a day instead of three.
b. Run up and down the stairs two steps at a time, instead of walking up one by one properly, seeing that I am not in a hurry at all
c. Keep glancing out of the window of my room, even though the scenery doesn't change
d. Constantly talk to my dogs from the living room... because they like to peek into the windows when any one of us sits there to watch tv
e. Do my studying on bed, even though I'm not supposed to, but hey, it works
f. Try to find reasons to go out for a drive, when I'm supposed to be studying
Friday, April 10, 2009
They wait
Anyways... today was the end of presentations. And assignments. Finally. I don't want to talk about it, because I was not very happy with myself for both the assignments and presentations that I did. Not to mention that I might have caused my groupmates their marks because of my stupid mistakes.
Well... I still have another quiz on Monday, but what the hell. I needed that movie date with Alex and Sal. So we stayed back after school, and got all cosy in one of the counselling rooms. We tried to persuade Denise and Esther, and even Xia Xia to stay with us to watch, but none of them was persuaded. The three of us probably need to work on our persuasion skills.
So... the movie, which I found out was actually out in 2007, and it hit the cinema in Malaysia early this year (notice how we always seem to be behind when it comes to movie screening?), was okay. It wasn't as scary as I hope, so tonight I will be able to sleep properly even if I don't have a roommate for tonight and tomorrow.
The story is about this little boy who got possessed by a spirit when he went back to his father's hometown (I think) for the uncle's funeral during Hungry Ghost Month. So... turned out that the uncle wasn't as honest as he should be, he and his gang of evil doers killed one of their workers because she found out about their dirty little secret. The girl that they killed was angry and couldn't rest in peace, so she possessed the little boy to, well, I don't know. Not for revenge, but well, maybe so that someone would help her find peace. And of course, the hero, or heroine, of the movie was the boy's mother, who in the end, exposed the uncle's evil gang who was still doing evil deeds. The rest of the gang who were still alive got what they deserved in the end, and the boy lived, thanks to his brave mother.
And then I started thinking. Why is in every horror movie that I have seen so far, the protagonist is always a female? And whenever the female has some kind of trouble, or need some guidance, there is always a freakishly weird guy there to give her some needed answers?
Well... and people say chick flicks are cliche. I guess horror movies can be just as cliche too. Lol.
Monday, March 30, 2009
The weekend
The good thing was... I was, well, revived, sort of. I needed the break away from assignments and all the pollution in PJ. Most of all, I just needed to be away from the stress.
Anyways, I removed partial of my braces already. The upper front part was still left intact, seeing as my retainer is in the progress of being made, but I digress. I can eat chewing gum already! And that was what I did after all the drilling, scaling and polishing done to remove my braces. I know, nothing significant, but seriously, taking out the braces wasn't such a sweet process after all. Halfway through the drilling, scaling, and polishing, I almost wanted to tell the dentist to just stop it and leave my braces be. It was quite an... uncomfortable experience.
Moving on, finally the metal removing ceremony was done (almost). And then my dentist dropped the bombshell that my wisdom teeth are out (like I didn't know that), and they needed to be removed.
And so she went, "Ha! Now you have something to do during your holiday, Jo. You can come and remove your wisdom teeth. Both the upper left and lower right have to be removed."
Geez... thanks, doc, I'm so looking forward my holiday now. Tada! The highlight of my finishing of finals.... the removal of wisdom teeth.
Seriously, doc, you sure know how to cheer up a girl.
Friday, March 27, 2009
But sometimes, I guess that just gives off the impression that I don't care at all.
Monday, March 23, 2009
A fantastic Saturday night... with Jrockers, who are not Js
But seriously, you would have enjoyed it as much as I did. Good music and bishies, not to mention some other Jrock fans who came in costumes. Phew... talk about an interesting place to people-watch.
So the event was held at The Republic Bar, which was in Sunway Pyramid. It was held outdoor, and was supposed to start at 6pm, but since I was late, I didn't know what happened. But we were late, and we got there around 8 plus, and it was just the first band playing. So we didn't miss much, which we were thankful for.
The first band was called Kawaii Sakura. They were not bad actually, in fact, all the bands were pretty good except one, which Sal and I disliked cause the vocalist's voice gave us headache. It was kinda high-pitched, and well, sounded as though it should belonged to Jpop instead of Jrock.
Anyways... back to Kawaii Sakura. I missed half of their performance, but when I got there, they were playing one of Naruto's songs, I can't remember which one. They definitely had the energy, and it was fun to watch them perform as they were so lively. Not to mention I think the vocalist was pretty bold to shave off one side of her hair. I really admire her guts for that. But not so much about her hair, the band was good, with good energy.
I can't remember the sequence of the performance, so I am just gonna tell whichever bands that I can recall off first.
Then there was this band called Gemini. This band was good too, with good energy. Not to mention that they performed one of my fav songs, "Zetsubo Billy". It was just awesome, and Sal and I got high over that since we weren't expecting to hear this song there. But I guess since it's an anime themesong, it probably got a lot of publicity too.
Another band called Endless Eternal, they were very good. I love them, they were pretty impressive. Apparently they won the second place for the Battle of the Bands last year, and I can definitely see how they got the second place. Even the vocalist's voice is good, which is something that I can't say for every one of the bands. Plus, all the songs that they were performing were all self-composed, so that was just impressive. Actually the vocalist reminded me of Paramore's lead singer. Maybe cause she's pretty young, and her voice is good. Oh... and this band has a drummer that's as young as my sis. So... yeah, I like this band a lot.
The band that Sal went for, was called Mage. Apparently they were like the founder of Jrock scene in Malaysia. Like if it wasn't them, there wouldn't be this sort of thing going in Malaysia. They were good too. They were the guest performers for this event, along with John's Mistress.
Then there were some other bands, such as Miniature Garden, that I didn't really see, not because I don't like them, but because Sal's heels were killing her and she needed to sit down. So it wasn't like we could see the stage from that far away. Thus we missed a couple of bands.
There was also this band called Strawberry Jam, which was not bad, but I can't remember why I wasn't paying much attention to them. I think I was pissed off cause some smoker were sorta everywhere I went. I moved forward, he moved forward, I backed off, he backed off. So yeah... all I know was the music was not bad, but I couldn't appreciate it due to the annoyance. By the time I actually turned my attention on stage, the lead singer had already taken off his shirt, I have no idea why he did that, but oh well, he has a pretty hot body, so I guess it was okay.
But seriously, the one that really blew me away was the last band, Drako'Zen. They were just amazing.... great songs, great on-stage performance. I know... I'm a lousy writer, I can't describe properly, but seriously, they were that amazing. I love them. And that has nothing to do with the bishies playing guitars n bass. Really.
Ah well... like I said, I'm not that good of a writer, and well, my memory fails me already. After doing assignments, the event actually seems a long time ago, instead of just two days ago. But what I really regretted was I didn't get any of the bands to take pics with me. So now I only have the mental image of the memory, and well, no bishies pictures to stare at.
Oh.... did I mention about these two bishies playing solo guitar? Erm... Mage's and Drako'Zen's. That was just plain hot... and Sal and I almost melted from the "yeng"-ness of the whole solo act. *swoons*
And after the long-winded lame attempt to describe the whole event, I am just gonna conclude that yeah, Malaysia's Jrock bands are good, so don't just ignore them just because they are from Malaysia. They should have more of this sort of events going on, if not, people wouldn't know how good they are. We gave our musicians less credits than they all deserve.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
This... and That
This... seriously, if she gave us the information AND confirmation that she gave me today two weeks ago, she could have saved me from the amount of fretting and stressing AND cursing because of that bloody assignment. But better not speak so soon yet, because the end is not here yet.
I just hope that eventually I might get good results despite the bad coursework marks. Which, I don't even have to wait till the end of week 14 to know that. I can predict it with the way my midterms turned out.
And That. Seriously, if I could just take a knife and stab my heart to end the pain, I will gladly do that. Okay... I guess it will stop the pain... in a different way, but still, it wouldn't end the problem.
What's a girl to do? When she's not supposed to be that worried and stressed out but there are This and especially That?
Sunday, March 8, 2009
My first concert
Really, it was that amazing.
To spare you the suspense (let's pretend that I am actually good at building suspense, shall we?), yesterday night, I went to Kitaro's Live at Genting 2009 with my mum. I was pretty excited about it, seeing as I know Kitaro is an amazing artist. And apparently all his songs are inspired by nature, and well, we all know that I am not a big fan of soothing songs. I rather like loud bass and drums and all those screaming... most of the time.
Anyways... the concert started off pretty mellow. There are these two instruments that really sound like nature's sound, one is something that sounds like some kind of bird, and another, the sound of river flowing. The first three songs, like I said, were pretty mellow. The whole stage was pitch black when those songs were playing, instead, visual on nature was shown to us. I remembered thinking that it was amazing, that somehow all his songs really did remind me of those visual that I have seen. Honestly, I can easily just imagine those scenery, though maybe not so pretty in my head, seeing as I have never really seen those amazing scenery first hand, but really, those songs really do related well with those scenes. I almost felt as though the nature was singing to me instead of Kitaro's playing.
And well, I would be lying if I said I like the mellow songs. True, I enjoyed them, but I was already sleepy to begin with, and if the whole concert was filled with songs like that, I would have dozed off despite the uncomfortable chair. But the pace of the music picked up. In fact, the whole concert reminded me a bit of a storyline. Something like at first, the world was filled with peace. Then, came intruders who wanted to destroy the peace. The nature retaliated. Nature won but was filled with sadness from the destruction. But life went on, and slowly, it healed.
Well... that was what I felt during the concert. Somewhere during the song that made me felt nature had won but was saddened by the destruction, I actually felt so touched that my eyes were starting to fill with tears. I know... I sound a bit emo-ish and weird, but really, I could feel the music reaching out to me. But luckily for me, the music didn't continue with those kind of feeling, well, as least not to me, and the tearwork didn't start or else I would have freaked my mum out, big time.
After two hours, the concert came to an end. But the crowd wanted an encore so Kitaro came back and played two more songs for us. Yays!
But honestly, the whole concert was just amazing, especially the second half. The keyboard, the guitar, the drums, and the violin especially, were so fantastic. And well, it was just so mesmerising to watch them play.
I am just so glad that I have this experience. This trip to Genting was just brilliant, not just the concert, since I got to unwind with my family and also my cute baby cousins, Jay and Phil. God knows I need that if not I'm gonna go crazy from all the stress.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Muka buku
I don't even want to think about News Corporation and 911.
And now that is over, moving on to Sociolinguistic assignment (Die!) and Language Teaching assignment (Gag me!).
Friday, February 27, 2009
Moving on....
Truths! After you've filled this out, tag 15 people and have them do the same.
1. Last beverage - H2O
2. Last phone call - ICE1
3. Last text message - Sal
4. Last song you listened to - SID's Hosoi Koe
5. Last time you cried - Er... Last year?
1. Dated someone twice? Nopes
2. Been cheated on? Nopes
3. Kissed someone & regretted it? Sorta
4. Lost someone special? Not really.
5. Been depressed? Well.... yeah. In fact, with all the assignments and midterms and quizzes now... I'm surprised I'm just merely frustrated instead of sinking into depression from the stress. I have gotten stronger!!!!!
6. Been drunk and threw up? Nah... I'm a good girl. *grins*
LIST FOUR FAVORITE COLORS: Orange, Yellow, Red, Dark purple
1. Made new friends - Yeaps
2. Fallen out of love - Fallen outta crush
3. Laughed until you cried - Yeah... think so
4. Met someone who changed you - Er... more or less
5. Found out who your true friends were - Yes, and I am thankful that I have them in my life.
6. Found out someone was talking about you - No... my eavesdropping skill is sadly quite bad.
7. Kissed anyone on your friend's list - No
8. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life - All of them
9. How many kids do you want to have - Let's not talk about that yet
10. Do you have any pets - Family pets! Pepsi, Cola, Madge, Fairy, Duff, Johnny, and well, I supposed the two terrapins that my bro is currently keeping. One of them used to be mine but my bro adopted it already.
11. Do you want to change your name - No
12. What did you do for your last birthday - Recovering from the guilt of being in an accident that costed quite some money for the repairing
13. What time did you wake up today - 7 am... morning class sucks.
14. What were you doing at midnight last night - Zzzzz
15. Name something you CANNOT wait for - Right now... this sem to be over, but I guess that will bring me closer to my FYP. Nooooooooooooo!
16. Last time you saw your dad - Two weeks ago
17. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life - Currently, my mishandling of time and stress
18. What are you listening to right now - SID
19. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom - No
23. What's getting on your nerves right now? - MMS assignment, Socioling assignment, and LLT assignment. Oh yeah... and HOTEL quiz. The rest... coming soon.
24. Most visited webpage - Fictionpress
1. Nicknames - Jojo, Death Angel, Ah Jo
2. Relationship Status - Single
3. Zodiac sign - Cancer
4. Male or female or transgendered - Female -.-'''
5. Elementary - St. Henry
6. Middle School - SKC
7. High school - SMKC
8. Hair color - Black
9. Long or short - short
10. Height - 165cm
11. Do you have a crush on someone? - Not right now.
12: What do you like about yourself? My overactive imagination... but not so when I have just finished a horror movie/book.
13. Piercings - 2
14. Tattoos - None... but one day, ONE DAY! I will pluck up enough courage to get one.
15. Righty or lefty → Right
1. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Actually I want to be with my best friends, eating ice cream, but seeing that everyone of them is scattered all over Malaysia, or busy... Sigh.
2. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? Please lar, I'm not that bad.
3. Will you repost this? I just did.
4. Did you lie at any of these questions? No point lying.
Actually I think this tag is supposed to have 100 questions, but my cousin left out some, and most of them I had did it before in one of the previous tags. So... I don't tag anyone, except for LYNDA, who seems to enjoy doing tags. Anyone else who wants to do feel free to do it.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The art of socialising
Today, there was a group of Japanese students from Kyoto University in my uni, visiting. Apparently, that was their graduation trip, and all I can say is "Sweet! To have a graduation trip away from where you are from." Imagine the culture and all the other junks that you don't see in textbooks.
Anyways, a bunch of us went there to meet up with them, but when we got there, we found out that we weren't actually officially invited. In fact, we were sort of crashing people's party, though of course, when we realised that the party hadn't started yet.
But the lecturers were kind enough to let us in. They were friendly, asking us to not be shy and just go in and interact with the Japanese students. Because really, that's what we were there for.
But then, instead of socialising, I had felt kinda awkward, since I couldn't really stop thinking about crashing the party. And when I got into the room, I stood there like a deer caught in headlights, while watching my friends worked their charms on the Japanese students and striking up conversation after conversation.
It's safe to say that I took one look at the small, crowded room, the group of people talking, and the feeling as though I can't really breathe properly in the crowd and small room, and made a quick decision that I had to get out of there.
Well... the breathing part was probably due to my own imagination, but then again, I tend to feel as though I can't breathe properly when I am in a crowded place.
So much for my attempt to socialise. Seriously, I can't imagine how I am going to survive once I am out of the safe circle of my current life once I venture into the working world, where I definitely will need to socialise to widen my social network.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Assignments and quiz
Quiz on Friday, I predict, is going to be an almost disaster. I won't curse myself by saying it is absolutely going to end up as a disaster, but still, I don't do well in short answer questions. MCQ, not so bad. Essays, still bearable. Short answer questions, DIE. Seriously.
Oh, did I mention that the quiz is History of EL? Joy... not to mention there are another three more quizzes to come, and midterm. Yeaps, all History of EL.
And to put things into an even bummer mood, a lot of the animes that I have been following have been licensed! That means I can no longer watch them on Youtube or crunchyroll. And I need my weekly dose of anime to amuse me and keep me sane! Naruto and Bleach are not enough, not to mention that all those violence can't be possibly good for mental peace. Besides, both are in the middle of climax, so the humour is sadly not included in all those intense I-hate-you, die-you-assholes fights.
And before I end this post, I just want to say, I CAN'T FREAKING BELIEVE THAT NARUTO'S MANGAKA KILLED OFF MY BELOVED KAKASHI! I hope he's not really dead, and well, if the mangaka kills off my beloved Shikamaru too, I am gonna abandon this stupid, long-winded manga.
Friday, February 6, 2009
The 25 things you don't know (and perhaps should know) about me
1. I am a curious person, though lazy.
2. I enjoy learning, and knowing, but I don't like quizzes and exams (who does anyways?).
3. I have a short fuse, I get annoyed quite easily, though I don't really show it all the time.
4. I love body art, piercings and tattoo. I am just too scared of the idea of the needle poking continuously into my skin.
5. I am scared of blood, the sight of it can actually make me dizzy.
6. I love science, almost as much as I love literature, but absolutely hate maths.
7. Speaking of literature, I don't enjoy reading most of the literature, mainly because they are too long-winded and the language is too old-fashioned for my liking, but I love discussing about them critically.
8. I don't mind people taking my stuff and using it (though asking for permission first is certainly a nice thing to do), but what annoys me the most is when I can't find my stuff because other people took it without my permission, or when I want to use it, it is unavailable, because again, someone took it without permission.
9. Noise irritates me, and so does secondhand smoke.
10. I'm not very good at socialising. Small talks are, most of the time, meaningless to me.
11. I used to be scared of dogs, now I absolutely love them.
12. I thought spiders are cute, since they have 8 legs and can walk without tripping over their own legs.
13. I dislike the fact that my nails are so short and square-ish. I would like them to be long and graceful so that they will look pretty when I paint them.
14. I get bored easily.
15. I believe in karma.
16. I can be quite mean and sarcastic, sometimes without even realising it.
17. People that I care the most suffer the most from my mean spirit and sarcasm. It's not that I don't appreciate them, it's just that I got so comfortable with them I forget myself.
18. I enjoy reading horror book, or watching horror movie, though my imagination will work overtime after that and I suffer.
19. I will like to have my own pet in the future, hopefully something that is furry and warm-blooded.
20. Defying stereotype, I am a female that doesn't like to cook. Or do houseworks. But if you ask me to choose, I will do houseworks rather than cooking.
21. I love guitar, and playing guitar. Just too bad that my parents won't let me continue learning.
22. I love wearing high heels.
23. I think I might be quite good at being persuasive when I set my mind to it.
24. I can't draw to save my own life.
25. I would love to travel and learn about different cultures.
Okay, done. I'm not sure if I am supposed to tag anyone, but I would love to see my friends do this. Especially Farah, Boo and Joy. I supposed Kang too, except that she has no blog.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Today, Sal, Zaza, Amelia and I went to MV to watch Changeling. It's the new Angelina Jolie movie, just in case you people have never heard of it before. It wasn't bad, quite worth watching, if you like those touching, emotional, inspiring sort of movie. I wasn't blown away by the whole movie, but the storyline was pretty good. Not that cliche, though apparently it was based on a true story.
I will not talk about the story, just in case I accidentally spill some spoilers and spoil your fun if you are planning to watch the movie. But when I was watching the movie, I couldn't help thinking why commit a sin when you know you are going to regret it, especially when you are nearing your end? Makes me wonder if those kind of people actually believe that by confessing and pretending that the sin had never happened will cancel out the sin itself.
Well, honestly, two hours and a lil bit more is a bit too long for me to stand for a movie. Even though the story was progressing pretty decently, I found myself waiting for the end instead of truly appreciating the whole movie. But I blame that on my lack of attention.
Another thing is, I wonder why the movie is not advertise more widely. Probably there are some stuff in the movie about government and politics that hit too close to the truth. Hmm....
Sunday, February 1, 2009
8 o'clock class tomorrow. History of English Language. Enough said.
I supposed I should be more unbiased. History of EL is not THAT boring, well, except that it's an 8 o'clock class making everyone's eyes unable to stay open completely. But then again, I spoke too soon. There might be a few early birds in my class, those who I haven't realise.
The past week was all about celebrating CNY. Not really surprisingly, the junkfood in my house finished pretty fast. Most of my favourites were already gone, and if not all gone, well, at least 80% of it gone. Which was too bad seeing as I wanted to bring back to PJ to eat. Well, supposedly I should look at this positively then. I already have enough pimples from all the junkfood that I ate in the last week.
First day of CNY, went and visited my grandma and grandpa, like every CNY.
Third day of CNY, I went and met up with a few friends. Not exactly a few, erm, more like 12? Okay, we were supposed to settle in Old Town for coffee and tea and some chattering, not to mention some gossips, but then a friend suggested that we go to her house since she just moved (half a year ago), and was going to have house warming on the 6th day of CNY. So we would all need to know where her house is in order to attend the long-delayed housewarming.
So, the "yam cha" session ended with a lot of visiting. We visited 7 houses, and well, it was just tiring.
Oh yeah! Sadness.... I wonder how the supposedly hot guy (my dad's friend's son) looks like now. I don't get to see him when I was at my dad's house for the anual gathering, cause I was too busy trying to not die from boredom, and weirdly, my dad's friend didn't come visiting with his family this year.
Oh well....
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Both movies were good. I really enjoyed them.
The fighting scenes in Ip Man were awesome. The main character looked so "yeng", and the story was not bad, though I thought for a moment that the story didn't have a storyline since it was ending and there was not a big climax coming yet. But still, it did come and the ending was not bad. And despite the sober storyline, there was humor in it.
Bedtime Stories kept me laughing. Well, it is Adam Sandler, so I was expecting good humor. The storyline is your typical Disney movie type, those that leaves you feeling "the world is still a wonderful place" kind of feeling. The characters are cute, especially Bugsy, Bobbi and Patrick. And I thought the part where it rained gumballs looked kinda pretty.
All in all, today had been a great day. Well, I didn't really think of it until I told my friend about Bedtime Stories, but since I have 8 o'clock class tomorrow, and not to mention that it is History of English Language, well, you can understand I definitely need entertainment before tomorrow's class.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Awkward silence
It breaks my heart that this is happening to us, but I can't see how it is going to change, seeing as you are ignorant and I am too much of a coward to say anything. I know I should, but things are already bad as it is, and chances are it is going to get worse if I do say something.
Sometimes I wonder if you notice how much the silence is killing me.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
The pretty people in Jrock bands
How is it that the guys in those bands, especially those with Visual Kei element, look so much prettier than girls? I mean, they have such pale skin (courtesy of makeup and perfect lighting, I hope), and huge eyes (optical illusion and perhaps contact lenses). Seriously, they can give some girls a run for their money. Some of them really look so much nicer than girls.
Okay, now I am talking about stereotypes, but then again, shouldn't guys look handsome and hot instead of pretty and hot?
And no wonder you have so many crazy fan girls out there salivating over them.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Fleas! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!
Anyways, while driving today, I heard an ad on the radio about SPCA looking for volunteers. For a moment, I was on full alert mode, thinking that maybe I could go do some volunteering, and then I heard that SPCA is in Ampang Jaya. Okay... there goes my "semangat" to volunteer. I know! I don't really sound very sincere, but Ampang is kinda far away from PJ.
And then, some happening in the evening made me realise that, yeah, I have the idea to do volunteering, but as far as reality is concerned, I won't be able to do it. I probably will scream the ears off whatever poor creature that I am attending to if I did managed to actually volunteer.
So what's the story? Yeah well, I was bathing Pepsi and Cola just now. I don't really mind that they sprayed water all over me in their attempt to dry themselves, in fact, I find it amusing. But it so happened that when I was bathing Cola, I found out that she had a few fleas on her body. And me, being the oh-so-graceful person, jumped a few steps away and started screaming.
"Ah!!! Cola! You have fleas! Ewww!!! Where the hell did you get those icky fleas?!?! Ugh, gross!!! Argh!!!!!!!! I don't want to touch those icky fleas!! Noooooooooooooooooo!!"
In the end, after realising that my bro wasn't going to leave his computer game to come and help me remove all those fleas from Cola's body, I went in search of something that could help me remove all those fleas without me touching them directly.
I ended up using a clothespin.
Pathetic, I know, but seriously, those fleas are icky. Really!
And so, I came to the conclusion that if I really really want to volunteer, I might not only have to travel all the way to Ampang, I will still need to know how to handle situation like this. Needless to say, I can't just start screaming and expect the fleas to get scared away by my screams.
I wish.